Member Name MikeThePanda Minecraft Username mikethepanda760 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? I destroyed someone's base :/ Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I deserved another chance because I thought the people I destroyed there house took all my wood it was a stupid reason. I should get another chance and start over from the beginning I'm sorry for all I have done.
I've messaged the player regarding this ban - he has 24 hours to respond or this will be closed out. @MikeThePanda
@MikeThePanda What does your ban message say when you try to log in? Also do you use any other accounts?
Okay, this might be a technical issue so I am going to speak to the owner about it because I cannot see the ban. However in the mean time can you explain to me that you understand griefing is bad and promise that you will not do it again? Thanks!
Thank you so much, and again I say I promise not to grief in survival again sorry for all the trouble I've cause.