Ban Appeal from mike fair

Discussion in 'Accepted Ban Appeals' started by mike fair, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. mike fair

    Jun 27, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Member Name mike fair

    Minecraft Username chevymike123

    Which server were you banned on? Survival

    Why were you banned from this server? spawner grief

    Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i didnt know i was doing anything wrong. all of my friends were banned too. all we did was we farmed this guys house because we needed resources and we planted them back. i even fixed up one side of the farm because it was not yet complete. i feel that i was banned for nothing. my friends and i have been working on our castle thing for quite some time. i feel like this is unfair because we have also been grief but we fixed it. what ever i did i feel bad and im sorry. im more then willing to do my best to fix and or repair anything i have done. please appeal my ban. anything.

    thank you for your time
  2. Jerekul

    Apr 30, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Griefing is always against the rules. It doesn't matter if you have been griefed before, it's never ok for you to do and being banned for it is completely fair and is the primary consequence for doing so. Staff always rolls back grief so that it's like you were never there in that area so we don't need you to fix it. Do not ever grief again in the future no matter what. If you are griefed, let staff know and we'll fix it and ban the offender.