Member Name Mastaomines Minecraft Username mastaomines Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? I was banned from KitPvP for "Hacking". It says I used killaura but I was just Pvping well. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I do believe I deserve a chance on the server again because I wasn't hacking. I just got a really good combo. I had recently been playing on McSg and other pvp servers to practice, I don't feel like I should be banned for being good. I just got a really good combo on ONE person.
If you need any proof, here is my YouTube channel: I've supported Aem by donating and voting, if I wanted to hack, why would I be a donator first... Please, I beg of you, unban me. Honestly, I don't like hackers AT ALL. They ruin the fun of the game, I would never be one. We all have had our prime in pvp, and today I had mine. I was having fun too. I don't have the best connection either, sometimes I have no knockback and when someone accuses me of hacking, I say, "I dont know man, its probably lag, I cant help it". Ask anyone on the server, they will either say, "He's Ez" or "Yeah he's ok" If a staff member takes the time to read this and unban me... Thank you sincerely ~Mastaomines
Staff wouldn't ban you without sufficient reasoning. With that being said, I am willing to accept this appeal. Just respond to me within 24 hours explaining why hacking makes the game unfair, and why we have rules to stop these things from happening.
What makes hacking unfair is that it ruins the fun of the game. People who hack either, aren't good at the game, or want to make people annoyed/angry. People who hack literally have nothing better to do all day but make a person angry behind his/her keyboard. I don't what hackers think when they hack, I honestly don't know if think they are "cool", because they're not. Hacking is idiotic. I've personally encountered many hackers and they have all gotten banned immediately. Servers like AEM, Mineplex and other servers frequently get hackers everyday to make someone have a bad day. That's why we have rules on servers to: 1) To allow players to have fun; and 2) To make the hacker know why they got banned/kicked. That is also why owners hire staff, such as yourself, to help him/her to the banning/kicking so he/she doesn't have to do it alone. Personally I hate hackers and think they should definetly be punished. I myself know a person who used to hack but realizes it's not cool being able to do everything and beat everyone. Now he plays legit and has fun doing it. I understand why I have gotten banned, if I may have because I was looking suspicious doing so well when everyone on the server says I'm bad, but that day was a good day for me. Like I posted up there, everyone has their good and bad days, and I had a great day. Thank you StraightUpThug for considering my appeal. I love AEM KitPvP and want to keep supporting it in everyway I can.