Member Name LordRothen89 Minecraft Username lordrothen89 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? For griefing Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? It has been 7 months now since I was banned and this is my first appeal. I spent a LOT of money on skyblock getting up to skylord rank and would like to get back on there, I don't mind if I'm still banned from all other servers except for skyblock.
Hello there @LordRothen89 Please explain why grief is not allowed, will you do it again? Are you sorry for your actions? Please promise to follow all of AEM rules from now on. Please respond within 24 hours.
Of course griefing is not allowed but in my defence my supposed "griefing" was a bunch of chests out in the open with no locks on them, that is like walking down the street and seeing a roll of twenties on the ground and not picking them up... but I do see why that is considered griefing as they were someone else's chests and yes, I will follow all of AEM's rules from now on, as I said before I only want to go back onto skyblock, which when i was on I was always helpful and polite and even helped to enforce your rules if someone was breaking them. sorry that I didn't respond within 24 hours, I've been busy with work.
thanks, although i do have 1 question. why has my island been deleted??? it took me forever to build that