Member Name Lee Minecraft Username LGannon12 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? Because apparently they got a screenshot of me HACKING! Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I have a terrible computer which makes me lag I swear please aem let me back on the server I hav a donor rank aswell please 1 more chance and if someone does report me again then im banned
It doesn't look like this is the first time you've been banned for hacking. It looks like you got banned from kitpvp for it as well about 2 months ago. I am concerned about unbanning you as I feel you will just end up back here. However, I will consider unbanning but you must answer the following questions within the next 24 hours: 1) What are 3 rules on the Factions server? 2) Why is hacking bad? 3) Why should we trust that you will not end up back here again?