Member Name lafingpotato7 Minecraft Username lafingpotato7 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? I was banned on aem servers from a really abusive admin called fats_x. I honestly don't think that what i did was worth banning me for. I was banned for staff disrespect and fats_x was the one who called me "Special" ( he banned people for making fun of "special" people. There are some more pictures i took It does not tell me what i said to deserve the punishment for staff disrepsect when he was the only on disrespecting. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I believe i deserve another chance as well as fats_x gets a some sort of a fair trial or looked into because i believe he abused his power. I am also a vip on factions. I enjoy playing on this server and i vote almost everyday.
Member Name lafingpotato7 Minecraft Username lafingpotato7 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? I was banned on aem servers from a really abusive admin called fats_x. I honestly don't think that what i did was worth banning me for. I was banned for staff disrespect and fats_x was the one who called me "Special" ( he banned people for making fun of "special" people. There are some more pictures i took Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? It does not tell me what i said to deserve the punishment for staff disrepsect when he was the only on disrespecting. [9:30:13 PM] Mitchell Crapiccinoâ„¢ | lafingpotato7 | GameOver: I believe i deserve another chance as well as fats_x gets a some sort of a fair trial or looked into because i believe he abused his power. I am also a vip on factions. I enjoy playing on this server and i vote almost everyday.