Ban Appeal from Kurt

Discussion in 'Accepted Ban Appeals' started by Kurt, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. Kurt

    May 2, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Member Name Kurt

    Minecraft Username Kurt0001

    Which server were you banned on? Factions

    Why were you banned from this server? I was originally banned by fats_x from the factions server for a 3 day temp ban, but then he changed it to a global ban.

    Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Danny129077, Jbroom01, WAYCNER, littlekang, SirFrostBeast, and a few others were 4v1, 5v1, 6v1, and 7v1 people at /warp pvp and during my "1v1" with littlekang. I said, "Would anyone like to 1v1 me?" Jbroom01 responded and said, "Which server?" I told him the server and nobody else or on the public chat. Then, he said, "What is the IP?" Then I told ONLY HIM the IP, and NOBODY ELSE OR ON THE PUBLIC CHAT. Then, he said, "Get banned." The whole thing was a setup to get me banned. Jbroom01 should be banned because he STARTED this by asking me what server we should 1v1 on. I wouldn't have told him the server IP if he hadn't asked me, "What server?" That was just plain rude and I request that Jbroom01 gets banned. That wasn't the only rude thing he did to me, either. He calls me names and he is so rude and says that I am bad at pvp, I am _eZ_, and that I log. The only way he can beat me is if he 6v1 me then he is so mean afterwards. Jbroom01 logs too. Please ban Jbroom01. This whole thing was a setup to get me banned for advertising.
    #1 Kurt, Sep 1, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2014
  2. StraightUpThug

    Apr 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    You will be unbanned.