Member Name kody Minecraft Username kodytheboss21 Which server were you banned on? Zombies Why were you banned from this server? well their was a you tuber and at the time i didn't know this he was recording and he missed three shots and he ran by my friend and he typed scrub i thought he was talking to my friend but he wasn't so i cussed him out but we sorted it through but im still banned for 4 days and 11 hours. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? because i was trying to stand up for my friend but i did not know he was talking about himself i misunderstood and i cussed him out this is not something i do unless people pick on some i am friends with.
You do not take matters onto your onto your own hands no matter what, get a staff to handle it for you. And when Mr_lightviper was there to settle it, you actually cussed at him. One does not simply insult other players/staff on the server. And please do not make a ban appeal for tempbans, its only for perm bans. Take it as a lesson and have a few days off. @kody