Member Name kittykat955 Minecraft Username kittykat955 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? i don't know apparently i griefed Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i promise i wont grief and ill be nice from now on
Hello @kittykat955 , You were previously tempbanned for griefing, the next day after you got unbanned, you did a large scale grief. Could you please explain that? Also explain why grief is not allowed. If anymore rules are broken, you may not be given another chance, do you understand? Please respond within 24 hours.
yes i understand the 24 hour reply might of been hard considering i don't feel well and im very sick thanks anyways
OK, heres what happened so i joined this guys survival for a while because people griefed me and someone tpaed to me i said we woulkd create a new place to him so we did but he came back it wasn't me he came and destroyed it and he took his iron and some of his house and took it again the next day i tryed to stop him i know the user name its Phoniex3883
The reason you were banned is that you griefed the player acaj4. This is not a mistake, that was a large scale grief. One grief of 86 blocks restored 28-10-2014 Two griefs of 363 and 252 blocks each restored 30-10-2014. Please explain in your own words the following: What is Griefing? Why is Griefing bad? What will you do to ensure you do not grief again?
griefing is when someone destroys or takes some thing its bad because it makes people upset and can destroy someones work they put alot of work into i will be nice and think before i act
@kittykat955 Promise to not break anymore AEM rules, also please return all the items that you took, ok? If you get banned again, you may not be given another chance, please do keep that in mind. Check the rules always. /rules I will accept this appeal after you promise all of this.