Member Name KingCreeper91 Minecraft Username KingCreeper91 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? Advertising Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I should deserve another chance because I thought I was skyping one of my friends.
Member Name KingCreeper91 Minecraft Username KingCreeper91 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? Advertising Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I should get another chance because I advertised on accident. I am Sorry D:
Member Name KingCreeper91 Minecraft Username KingCreeper91 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? Advertising Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? 1) Sorry for doing third ban appeal and flooding the msgs. 2) I PROMISE never to advertise even tough I did it on accedent. 3) Nick (PrinceCreeper91) said he got banned. I am not his Alt. Please Unban Me Please!!!
Being impatient and asking to be unbanned is bad impression to whoever is handling your appeal. Please hold your composure. What I would like to know is how did you "Accidentally" Advertised a server. @KingCreeper91
Well first of all... that was not a server it was a website. I was on skype and I clicked on my minecraft application and then you banned me. So um that's how that happened
I'm sorry but let me clarify this mistake everyone seems to make. I am zRinne and the person who banned you is zRinnn Thus, I will hand over the appeal to him as he is your original banner and would have more knowledge on this. @zrinnn Any staff can unban, but it's up to the person who is handling you appeal.
One more thing... I found a GLITCHED BLOCK on factions and uhhh do u want it, if so it's in my enderchest (take it if you have access) BTW some guy minigoomba246 sold it to me for 6k I will consider this appeal if you explain to me why advertising isn't allowed on the server and why you should not do it, you have 24h. And we won't ban people for no reason, princecreeper91 is your alt, if you're gonna lie about it then it wont be unbanned, do enlighten me. @KingCreeper91
Advertising is not allowed on servers because it will attract players to other servers instead of staying on the server they were playing in. Players shouldn't do it because it is against the rule of a server and because it is not fair for the main server.
Well PrinceCreeper91 isn't my alt... he is my Best Friend. When I bought him the minecraft card I recommended him that username and he used it. So... uhh yeah he isn't my alt. Thank You!
@zrinnn Sorry for jumping in on that but I figured to toss that information in on here. Still your ban appeal to handle
Do you have any proof that he isn't your alt ? We want 100% honesty here. Do know that we can check stuff if needed. So I would appreciate if you do not lie.