Member Name Kevman0916 Minecraft Username Kevman0916 Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? For chunk loading Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I know that I have been warned for chunk loading...But when I got banned I was cooking IRL. I was in a chunk that didnt have anything that needed loaded..i didn't have my iron farm or my gold farm close enough to be loaded.. I was the only one on my island at the time when I was band.. And the reason I didn't get auto kick, was because I was checking a chest every so often to check what items I had coming in.. AtomicTNT_712 banned me for 7 days ... I don't know what his problem is.. He ported to my island once and hit my daughter (zoe0916) with a diamond sword.. I feel like he in watching me nonstop while he is invs...Its is like he is looking for a reason to band me. Maybe because my island was close to the same island level as his... I really think he is just being to nitpickie.. I was thinking of getting skylord for me and zoe0916..but not if I have to put up with a tyrant acting mod... and worry if I stand in one place for to long im going to get band...
I'll let other staff deal with this, but for a quick FYI. Originally, I caught kev using alts in afk pools for his farms. This was sometime ago though. He was warned about it and he did not use afk machines since then.
The reason I banned you, and hopefully this will be the last time is the redstone contraption you had built was constantly sending a current from the other side of your island where you were, to a chunk under the gold and iron farm, technically making it a chunk loader; plus my curiosity sparks when you and your alt is online. It is to check if you are not breaking the rules.
technically Zoe0916 and blackbloodjw are not my alts....Zoe0916 is my real life 11 year old Daughter account. and blackbloodjw is my 13 year old sons account.. My daughter just told me you banded her for 6 more days.... and when you hit my Daughter with a sword she was playing not me...And yes I do have there mc accounts on my pc and yes I know there passwords... and yes I was using her to chuck load that one time... BUT she does play and she got mad at me when I got her band for 3 days and she asked me not to use her account anymore.. So why did you band her for 6 more days?
You didn't just ip band her you banned her user.. she tried to loggin from her moms...and you put ' over kids like you think im lying about having kids.. There is TeamSpeak, Skype ect... I would have np problem give you my info so you could talk to her.
There is no need for me to check if you have kids. You and the other accounts have been banned over the past week, all for the same reason. It doesn't matter if she can't log on via another location. That's the point in the ban.