Member Name KevinTheKid Minecraft Username KevThaKid Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? because i got caught griefing Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? because before i though griefing was funny and okay to do, but then one day i was playing on a server and someone griefed me. So, now i now that griefing is not allowed and that for me to stay on a server i need to follow the rules.
Griefing has never been allowed in survival. Though not all builds are protected, it still isn't allowed. Please read our rules in every server as each server as its own set of rules. Also please be patient on your ban appeal review as not everyone is free or in the same timezone. Sadly I don't see the funniness in griefing. Please explain why grief is not allowed and promise to follow all rules. Please respond within 24 hours. @KevinTheKid
@zRinne griefing is not allowed because it destroys peoples hard work from their builds and now i see why its not funny. And i promise you that i will never commit the same act again. Thank You