Member Name jonyarmaggedon Minecraft Username jonyarmaggedon Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? Because i did a joke, i said i will crash the server and the people belived me, the mod came to my island and i had more than 900 entities but i didn't know that was bad and it wasn't purposely. So i told the mod that i will kill the animals but he didn't want to, then he started to drop lava on them and i got mad, i started to use bad words because of that. I apologize and i tell them that i was kidding when i said i will crash the server, he said that he don't care what i was saying. He just belived in the other people's words, so i think you should take care when choosing the mods. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because it was wrong what the mod did, he didn't care what i said. I've wasted so much time on the server to deserve this? A mod that only trust in people who donate? It's hard to find good servers, it's a miracle that i found the AEM Network and i've never seen such a good and complete server. I just play for the skyblock with my friend, i get to much fun while playing here, you can ask him. And as i said, i was angry because of what the mod did and i started to use bad words, you can ban me on the chat, i don't care, the only think i ask for is letting me play and get ride of that mod. His name is DelvinC and his partner, KiroAkira a Skylord, the guy that DelvinC just belived in.
You are definitely in the wrong here not the mod who banned you. Threatening to crash the server is not a joke and it does not matter that you meant it that way it's staff's responsibility to take those threats seriously and I would be disappointed if a staff member did not. After you threatened the server, the staff member then found that you also were breaking rules by having too many animals on your island. Why on earth would he just trust that you will get rid of all of them on your own when he just witnessed you break 2 rules? Delvin is a great staff member and I am thoroughly disappointed that you used this appeal to throw blame on the staff member when you clearly acknowledge that you broke rules. It will take a very good response to convince me that you deserve another chance back on SkyBlock and I will also get Devin's feedback on this appeal before making a decision. @jonyarmaggedon you have 24 hours to answer the following questions: 1) What are 3 rules of the Skyblock server? 2) Why is threatening the server in any way bad and why should you not joke about it? 3) Why should you respect staff? 4) What have you learned?
So a couple things before I start writing. Here is the screenshot that my friends got of you and your threat to the server. and here are the images that I got when I logged back in specifically to handle the situation.,CwhD1kW,CfOR4Ig,dPkCN7d#0 With that out of the way, I shall explain myself and the situation from my point of view, (use the photos as a reference for some stuff) I was notified on skype that there was a player threatening to crash the server with a huge number of entities. I logged in and when I asked who the person was, multiple people pointed the finger to you. I tp'd to you and immediately activated my f3, seeing approx 960 entities. For the time being, I did ignore your comments a little because my responses would be lagged by the huge number of entities (was getting 2-5 fps~ as you can see in my screenshots). I poked around for higher staff (on skype and server) to see if I could get someone with smite powers to clear it faster. With no response, I decided the fastest way would probably be to lava it, as we can see in my later screenshots. I lava'd a majority of the 4 open pens, chicken, cows, pigs, and sheep. At this point in time you were attempting to help kill some animals too but lava was definitely doing most of the killing. At this point, all 4 open pens were under control,and you were cursing in chat. I noticed that there was still a huge amount of entities and lag, so I looked around and found your chicken farm (image 3 of second link). I noticed not only was it over limit, but these chickens were stacked in 2 holes. One set would lay the eggs, while the other would spawn baby chickens to grow up and kill for meat, the issue with this farm is that it was on a constant clock of dispensing eggs, and there was literally an egg laid every 20 seconds. I opened up the farm and I lava'd a majority of the chickens, I also turned off the redstone clock that was constantly pulsing. At this point, (4th image) I ask if you had read our rules and other questions like why you did it, etc. Due to your either aggressive or incomplete responses, I banned you. Afterwards I switched to lobby1 (which is where you get sent once you're banned from a server) to try and talk with you there, but you went afk. I wrote the general reason why you were banned and gave you the info that it's possible to appeal here, on site. ^That is my end of the story^ On a side note, I would like to say KiroAkira wrote that you should'ave killed some of the mobs off but you ignored it, prior to the incident. I shall also state that it's not because they are "donators" that I believe them, I believe them because they play by the rules and have positively contributed to the skyblock server, if a member (aka default) said it as well, I would go and check it out as well, it was not a biased choice, you were breaking the rules. After reviewing this and having time to think, I am perfectly fine with you potentially being unbanned if you answer christy's questions as well as promising to fully read and follow our rules on AEM skyblock.
1. Respect staff 2. Respect everyone 3. Don't be racist First of all, i play this game for fun. I don't get that deep like going on forums and that stuff. This is the first time I have to deal with threads and that stuff because I want to play on this server, i play just for fun and i don't have time to "crash down the server" for no reason. As i told you 100000000 times, I play just for fun, i was just chilling and i didn't know jokes like this one could be that bad. I apologized for doing that. i have no intention to damage players and the server. As i said, it was a miracle that i found this awesome server, especially for the skyblock stuff. I don't play alone on that island, I got a friend that plays with me and i didn't saw that chicken farm. Second point, i was about to kill all the animals on my island and it wasn't intentional to provoke lag on the server. It can be sad or bad or both things, but i just join the servers to play, i don't usually real the rules because i've never get that far and never have so much care of playing on a server. The day when this happens, I was decentralized on what i was doing on minecraft, because i was playing another game. I got no lag and no lower fps while i had that amount of entities and again i apologize of "lagging" some people it wasn't on purpose. I could respect the staff, but i felt like being ignored because i told him i could killed the animals and OBTAIN MY FOOD but he rejected me, he was just paying attention what the other players said. I can respect the staff, I did it until that happens and i was mad. I respect all the players and never had problem, im a guy who gets mad so quickly specially when im doing another things. I've been playing on this servers for a while and gettting the stuff that i got cost me a lot. Nothing was wrong until they treated me like that. So I ask you, Christy, to unban me please without removing my tokens and money. I can respect the staff as long as they don't do this again. I can do what i was doing, just playing and chilling with my friends but without talking on the chat, just for the auctions. I really enjoy playing on this server because i can't found another server as good as this one. And if you know me, you can know that i don't do this stuff, to create threads and that stuff. I play minecraft for fun, not to get mad or blame the other players. PD: Sorry for my bad english, im not a native english speaker and hope you can understand me the way i write
Just to be clear, I "ignored" your initial comments because of the huge amount of lag I was getting from your mobs. If you clink on the 2nd link in my post, I am getting 2-5 fps. Basically, if you write something, I would'ave taken 10+ seconds to read and respond to you. I dealt with the mobs first, then I talked to you, based on the fact that my responses would be hugely delayed and in my opinion, very inefficient.
I'm going to accept this ban appeal - hopefully we won't have to see you making a future ban appeal! You have been unbanned.