Member Name JonathanBluesword Minecraft Username chitech2 Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? I was adversting to another fellow player on skyblock my own personal server even after being warned before about mention my server. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think i should have another chance because I understand that I am never suppose to mention anything about any other server but since it was my own server i never really thought about the action I never really paid attention what would happen if i did advertised and now I know that even though it was asking someone to test something and my own personal server that it is still wrong no matter what If it a ip then it advertising no if and or buts, I am truly sorry for my mistakes and will never happen again I promise.
Don't ask players on AEM to test things for you on your server. Don't talk about any other servers, especially one that you run yourself, giving players incentive to help you and possibly become staff for you or something and leave AEM. This is your only chance. Do not let us find out that this has occurred again.