Member Name Jayden Minecraft Username JaydenFTW123BOB Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? I said i was gonna hack the network but i only said that coz i was angry and i dont even kno how to hack -jayden Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i should get another chance because everytime i saw OP items i would get a Moderator to come to get them and all my friends are on this server and its my favorite server to play on and i can never find a good server to play on anymore and AEM was the 1st server to find when i got minecraft so yea think about -Jayden
the only reson why i said i was gonna hack the network was because i was really angry coz she wasent being very nice to me and Olivivatheone
I'm sure you have more patience than that. Please be aware staff not only have responsibilities in game but in real life as well. I can't vouch where @zRinne lives; but I know in the states at this current moment it's 7 am EST and 4 am PST. So she could as well be sleeping. As for your threat; you pretty much were threating us with a Federal crime. You do realize it is punishable by prison time as well as a hefty fine if found guilty of doing so. Also threatening to hack anything/anyone because you got upset about a staff member is NOT how you handle things. You should of taken screenshots, and set them to @nick_godoy, @AlexM850 or even @EthanM850 to get it sorted. This is just my 2 cents and im going to turn it over to @zRinne when she has some time to spare for a moment. (rejected) @Jayden First off, you do not spam anywhere, in chat or ban appeal. You're suppose to be patient and wait. We have things to do in real life, we won't stop just for you. If you can't learn to be patient and spam like this again while we discuss this then I'll reject this. Not only did you threaten to hack AEM, you also disrespected us. Do explain