Member Name james930 Minecraft Username james930 Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? Sexual References / Rudeness / Playing dumb when staff is talking / cussing Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? In my country, it is allowed to say those things as they are not swear words. I was just making a suggestion to Ender. Im sorry I ruined the little 12 year olds day by saying things he found offensive and I honestly didn't know. Also, I read the rules and there is no rule against making supposed sexual reference. As well, it says NO APEL and I did not know what that means. It may mean no appeal but the admin seems like a 10 year old so a few mistakes in spelling are acceptable here and there as well, i was told that choosing to follow the rules will get you punished?
The reason why it said, "NO APEL" on the ban appeal is because of the limited space in chat. I wanted to make sure that all your offense where put into the ban message I don't think you understand what no appeal means as you have created another one, which again will be denied.