Member Name isiah palomo Minecraft Username ZackAttack986 Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? I got banned again by shadowpyrolily for no reason I just now saw you unbanned me bus he is abusing his powers and can you please ban him because he is mean Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I didn't do anything and don't believe what he says
You didn't "get banned again" you were never unbanned. Your appeals has been rejected due to lack of response. From the previous appeal: I banned you for a reason you killed not only myself on creative but another mod @Trouble1122 and one of our global admins @Volkrot so please do place a complaint but i would like to hear what you have to say. Now onto your ban why when i teleported to you did i die instantly? you have 24 hours to reply - Pyrolily She isn't abusing her powers, this is our duty to handle things fairly, and before you reply to that, this is fair. Now please try to understand. May I remind you the staff that is handling your appeal? @pyrolily
Yes please answer the questions i asked you to answer in your last appeal why when i teleported to you did i die instantly? I will be giving you 48 hours to reply to my msg this time.