Ban Appeal from IronPigman75

Discussion in 'Accepted Ban Appeals' started by IronPigman75, Dec 25, 2014.

  1. IronPigman75

    May 1, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Member Name IronPigman75

    Minecraft Username IronPigman75

    Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock

    Why were you banned from this server? I was banned for accusing (Mod) Rinne or Rinnez I cant remember his IGN. I accused him of killing me with lightning, then I started disrespecting him then i got banned from skyblock.

    Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I love your server I have been playing it since January, 14th, 2014. I always play skyblock, I enjoy your skyblock its probably the best skyblock I've ever played I love your donation ranks I have donated to your server many times. Your server is my no. 1 server to play on and it always will be. I want another chance to get on with everyone and not disrespect staff. Now that i'm more older and mature and less Idiotic... etc. That's why I want another chance. I also want to donate more to your server maybe im gonna donate for Skylord on skyblock in about a week or two
  2. zRinne

    Apr 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Hello there @IronPigman75 ,

    You accused me of doing /kill and when told you otherwise, you said "I'm not stupid I've been admin before"
    Told you I wasn't an admin on skyblock and asked if you were accusing me, responded with a yes and insisted I killed you with a "storm"
    You also said you were going to tell Alex about this and included that I was the "most highly idiotic staff"
    I asked if you were accusing me and you responded with a yes.
    @Jerekul was there as well so he can vouch for me.
    I was defending myself yet you told me it was none of my business when you're accusing me. I told you my gender was female and you then said you didn't care if I was a dog and /ignore me and Jerekul. So I discussed with Jerekul about banning you for multiple disrespect etc and you replied saying "I am playing this peacefuly and I never disrespect you but I am just saying"
    I asked why you accused me and you said you didn't accuse me.

    Please do take note: IronPigman75 is also banned on skywars for disrespecting players even after multiple warnings. (Before skyblock issue)
    And in survival (old ban system, only warnings.)

    Now please explain yourself @IronPigman75 .
    Also explain the followings:

    • Why you shouldn't disrespect players/staff
    • Will you do it again.
    • Elaborate on why you deserve another chance (Being a donor doesn't give you any privilege with ban appeals, nor can you bribe us with it)
    • Will you follow all of AEM rules from now on?

    You have 24 hours to respond.
  3. IronPigman75

    May 1, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    • I'm sorry zRinne I was getting mad then I was building and all of a sudden a lightning hit me and i had lost alot of obsidian, etc etc etc and it annoyed me. That was not the usual me and If I wanted to i could have pulled back from it and politely asked "zRinne for some reason a lightning directly hit me and I was just wondering was it a staff or was it just a 0.001 chance I was in the position of a lightning." well something like that would have done grand, but instead I chose to start giving out to you and other staff and not stop complaining which I should have not have done at all
    • Why you shouldn't disrespect players/staff: Because they are only there for the safety of other players and to protect inicent players from bad people. They deserve respect because they look out for everyone and they are kind and helpful and dont deserved to be answered back. I should respect players because they respect me, and its unfair if I disrespect them back .
    • Will you do it again.No I solomny promise never to do this again(Excuse my english im not fluent)
    • Elaborate on why you deserve another chance (Being a donor doesn't give you any privilege with ban appeals, nor can you bribe us with it) I want another chance to prove that I can behave myself and never do this animal talk to an admin/mod/helper/owner/player ever again. I don't want to insult or accuse admin of their doings ever again. I understand now admin/mod/owner/helper would never do that and next time I won't be so angry/temper-minded or crazy over lightning striking me. I want to respect other players and play skyblock peacefully and give a new start to the server for myself
    • Will you follow all of AEM rules from now on?Yes I will. And I would like to restart my life on Aem network.

    P.S I'm sorry zRinne for all that bad language/excessive sentences I gave to you and the trouble you had to deal with. I wish to not be your enemy but become friends... well you don't have to become friends with me if you don't want to, but I wish we will not have hatred towards each other
  4. zRinne

    Apr 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    I do not hate on people because that isn't mature. I put aside my personal feelings when it comes to being staff.

    I am willing to give you another chance.