Member Name Heydm Minecraft Username heydm Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? I don't know i was told that it was annoying staff then i was banned for putting a diamond named 2304 diamonds in auction DD: Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think i deserve another chance because I didn't realise i was annoying staff (Or something like that i'm not sure bout the facts on that) Auctioning the Diamond and things like that weren't meant to really be taken seriously And i'm sorry to the Staff that i annoyed (not sure for what really) but i was told that Trouble was one of the ones that i annoyed
Letting @Trouble1122 put a few words in and let us get everything sorted before final judgement of the appeal
You don't seem to understand that, joke or not, auctions like that are considered scams. That is why you were banned, not for "annoying staff".
As Meg has already stated the reason for the ban was because of scamming in an auction, which you did more then once. You did it with diamonds and bones. As for the part about me. I mentioned after you were banned that I've had problems with you in the past. Which I have. Ever since that day I told you to move/change your cobble gen because it was causing cobble to go outside your border, and refused to rebuild it for you, you have shown multiple times hate towards me when you think i'm not on and i'm sure when i'm not actually on. It's been 4 months since then and you still have problems with me because of that day. So, it's not that you have annoyed me, it's that you have bordered on showing me disrespect for the past 4 months and I brought that up when you were banned for the auction scamming.