Member Name Harrison124 Minecraft Username Harrison124 Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? admitance to hacking when i wasnt Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I wasnt hacking but that doesnt mean i want back on the server. To be honest there is no other server like aem i miss you guys and girls and you helped me alot my little brother told me what was said on here i do appreciate that i really do and i should be at fault i am the only one that can do this please dont ban my little brother he did nothing wrong he misses you more then me probably but for all you did for me You all are the best and as far as i can say if you bring me back ... I am back.
We need screenshots of your .minecraft folder, versions folder, and your mods folder as well as their last modification date. Do not crop the images so we can more easily determine their validity. We don't appreciate the "admitting to hacks" or asking to be banned. If you have IRL issues, sort them out IRL, don't carry it into the game, otherwise you will be subject to our rules and punishments, as well as wasting the time of staff members who then have to deal with you in and out of game.