Member Name Hannibal1727` Minecraft Username Hannibal1727 Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? I insulted a staff member. -- Note: I was actually banned from the ships world but that wasn't an option I could choose and I'm completely banned from the entire server by a staff member Named Jerekul. Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope this piece of information helps to make your job easier Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I believe I deserve to be unbanned from this server because I have learned to never criticize the staff for not doing things correctly as they are trying their hardest to deal with the monumental task of regulating the server so that the rest of us can play on it. I will never aver make negative comments directed at the staff on any server including AEM again. AEM is also my favorite minecraft server because of their unique COD Zombies gamemode. I enjoy playing here very much and I desperately want to keep playing on it. Even if I am not unbanned I will not ever make negative comments about server staff because they graciously donate their time for free, in order to maintain and regulate the server in order for the normal players like myself to have fun on them.
Member Name Hannibal1727` Minecraft Username H Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? I insulted a staff member. --Note: I was actually banned from the spaceblock server but that wasn't an option. Sorry for the inconvenience. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I believe I deserve another chance on this server because to be unbanned because I have now learned to appreciate that the server staff are always working hard to regulate and maintain the server for others to be able to have fun and that if I insult them it wastes their time and thus it watses time for other players. Also staff volunteer and don't get paid so I shouldn't heckle them because they donate their time to the server.
Hello there @Hannibal1727` You were banned for: rude, disrespectful behavior. Multiple warnings. Thinks he has rights here. Could you please explain to me, despite multiple warnings, you were continuously being rude and disrespectful? I am glad, however, that you do understand the hardship of being a staff, it's not always fun and games. We have to deal with multiple players at once in different server, chat and private messages. And then comes along someone who decides to make it tougher for us, thinking he's had the right to do as he please. It's not that simple. I hope you could explain why you shouldn't be disrespectful to staff/players. Please try to convince @Jerekul . You have 24 hours to respond, thank you.
Ah yes, I remember this one. He was arguing with me and adamant that he has first amendment rights, despite it being private property. We reserve the right to moderate ALL content on the private property of this network. You may not say whatever you like. The rules are laid out and you aren't supposed to argue with us, because we are just trying to do our jobs and keep the network at a certain level of stability and to not allow chaos to spread.
The multiple warnings I received were due to my attempting to defend what I said by using the first amendment (If you're a U.S. resident you will know what this is). However at the time I did not feel this was being rude, but now that I have had time to reflect on this reasoning and after I have researched the various roles of server staff members, I understand that it was rude not because of the content but because of the content being repeatedly sent out over and over again. This was disrespectful to the staff member working at the time because it wasted their time and kept them from performing their duties of attending to the needs of other players. It is of the utmost importance that an attitude of high respect be directed towards the esteemed members of the AEM server staff. One reason for such a protocol is because the staff members are responsible for a task of monumental proportion, that of keeping the server running, such a a task is incredibly time consuming and when repeated volleys of insults are sent at them it becomes rather difficult for the staff to focus on their job, and if they cannot keep the server fully operational then other players online will suffer as they will not be able to fully experience whatever server activity they are attempting to do. Another reason is that the staff are players too and most do not merely work on the server but play on it too. Imagine how rude it would be to bother a staff member after they have spent hours upon hours utilizing various matrices in the name of computer science just to prevent the console command system from plunging into complete and utter chaos. All just so that a few Minecraft players can entertain themselves. One should refrain from disrespecting other players because it could possibly give the server a bad reputation and then people may not want to buy things from the server store causing the server owner to not be able o afford to keep the server running meaning that the server may need to be deactivated. Also insulting other players on a Minec5aft server can be argued as being cyber bullying which is against the law in some contries.