Member Name haildamge10 Minecraft Username haildamage10 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? I was banned for not showing the screen shot / possible hacks. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i think i deserve another chance because i know i don't hack and wish to play with my friends on kit pvp because i love aem
Why didn't you show your folders when asked to since you said you didn't hack. I remembered you were checked on survival as well for hacking but you showed the files immediately and co-operated with staffs, but why not in kitpvp? Loving AEM is not a very good reason for us to let you come back on the server. Please convince me as to why hacking is not allowed on the server and why you should not hack on the server, and why you should always listen to staffs when asked to show screenshots of your folders? Please convince me. Also, please attach a screenshot of your .minecraft folder, including mods and versions folder. Upload them to and link it here. You have 24h.