Member Name GreenXander Minecraft Username GreenXander2 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? I was considered duping. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because I think that I deserve another chance because I have donated a lot to this server and I would like to keep factions "alive"
Because you donated dose not mean that you can break rules as you wish You will need to give us a better reason to unban you
Well I am going to be quiting the server and I am going to be cleaning everything I have on aem factions. I really enjoyed this server but until reset everything has been going downhill so I think u should unban me so I can put a little more happiness into factions. P.s. I am sincere for what I did and would like a second chance to be apart of gameover
That is still not a reason to unban you. That has absolutely nothing to do with the reason why you were banned.
Well to be honest I really didn't know it was duping. I thought it was only bosting you mcmmos and every once Ina while I would give you 2oars because the mcmmo drop chance. I really thought it had to do with mcmmo. So I am asking for another chance on factions I have learned that the Mcmmo thinie is duping and will never happen again. I honestly didn't know it was duping.
mcmmo boosts any way that you mine any block. Also, it is unfair to have dubs of diamond ores without finding them, and honestly you would know that
OK well I am sorry for not knowing that like I said I looked up on YouTube how to get fast mcmmo and this method came up. Like I said I am very sincere and am asking for another chance on factions.
Alright so here is what I decided. I will unban you from factions if promise not to dupe anything again. accept the punishment where I am going to remove all of your diamonds in your possession plus a money deduction (I will discuss the money deduction with other staff. This Money deduction is for any diamonds you may have sold) and 3. Realize that staff is here to help you, not hurt you. The idea of me unbanning you was fully MY idea. So next time you want to randomly call me an ass hole or bias for the faction, know that I am completely unbais and only want to help the server.
1. ok i will promise not to dupe ever ever again 2 i will accept that money deduction 3 And i will relize that staff is here to help. p.s. i apprecite giveing me another chance for how i treated you..