Member Name Goldenjman Minecraft Username Goldenjman Which server were you banned on? SkyGrid Why were you banned from this server? I greifed Marisaur About a year back Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i have thought alot about this and realized what i did was wrong i feel bad for marisuar and i will do anything i can to help him get his stuff back i will never greif again i spent forever playing this and it was upsetting that i got banned but i derserved it please give me another chance you wont be sorry -Goldenjman
I would like to quote you from our old Enjin site "Ok, im gonna give you one more chance to un ban me from skygrid. if im not un banned by the end of this month im killing my self. all i want to do is play i got hacked but you wont listen to my its not my fault i was at school. you can blame me im not lying. i know this is my third appeal but it is also my last. i just want you to think about me on the end of march if you dont un bann me. i can cant tell you how sorry i am. id do anything to help out marisaur. and if i dont get uun banned you ripped me off for 404 bucks too."
Not only in that appeal at the last bit of our Enjin days you DEMANDED to be unbanned, threatened to kill yourself, as well telling us that we "ripped you off 404 bucks" which in our terms of service you agreed to upon donating you understand if you get banned it's by your own choices to get banned. Not only the original appeal from Enjin was rejected by @AlexM850 himself from there I'm going to let other staff see this message you posted and let them put their 2 cents in.
Plz forgive me for that i did not type that my stupid brother did sorry for any concerns trust me im not mental
Please don't spam. Staff can't always be on the forums. Give us time to collaborate and decide as a whole before we make a decision.
I've talked with Alex. On the grounds of the size of the grief, as well as threatening us, this appeal is rejected. ~I've messaged the player the result of this ban appeal.