Member Name FirekingPirate Minecraft Username Tadashi_Kumira/Tadashi_Kimura Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? I was Ban Evading before my other account was accepted and aloud back into aem. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I only want "Tadashi_Kimura/Tadashi_Kumira (Name changed so idk what would work) to be unbanned so it could become my main account for aem. I've recently had a problem, My Phyllyboy account was somewhat banned from Buycraft, Not sure why. I thought a friend or somebody was the one who charged-backed me multiple times to get me banned from it, Since I never go on Buycraft to buy any ranks. But my other account is still enable to buy a rank so I wanted my other account to be unbanned so I could buy a rank and start playing on that account more often.
I will accept this appeal, you were patient enough to wait and did change. Please keep this behavior up Tadashi_Kimura is now unbanned.