Member Name Fancy Minecraft Username Faannccyy Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? I was banned because of hacking (Kill aura) Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I deserve another chance because I've changed. I haven't been on the server for roughly a year and really enjoyed playing on it. I'm done with hacking and have been done with it for awhile. I'm mostly going to be playing skyblock to make sure I don't get any temptations to use a hacked client again. I hope you consider it, Thank you.
Can you send a screenshot of .minecraft folder, version, mods, with last date modified visible. Please do not crop the image. Thank you.
There you go, hope this is what your asking for. If not I'll be happy to get something else. Also if your wondering why my latest is only 1.7.10 is because my computer password got changed so had to reset everything.
Doesnt look like you have a mods folder, thank you for providing everthing. Dont let this happen again.