Member Name f4ll3n0n3 Minecraft Username blade_slayer1137 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? it dosent give a reason it just says that i was banned by meg1626 for no reason was specified Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? when i was banned it wasnt actualy mee it was my lil bro on my account i let him use mine and i guess he made meg mad and she banned him and i wasnt playing minecraft alot but im gettin back into it and id like to play on my server once again cause i used to play on this server alot and i dont have to worry about my bro getting on my account any more cause he bought his own
If this was indeed your brother on your account, you can thank him for keeping you off the server permanently. What he did = permanent ban, no appeal. How do we know this was really your "brother" on this account and that he won't access your account again? Also does your brother's account play on AEM? What is his IGN? If this was indeed your brother's doing, I will see if anything can be done. @f4ll3n0n3