Member Name EXOTIC Minecraft Username EXOTICPROSHD Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? i was disrepecting the MOD Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i will not disrpect a mod again i am so soory i wont do it again and im soory wombat i wont do it again i learned my lesson
While I personally am not affected by petty insults like me "suking dik", it gets annoying when you're asked to stop and then don't. Why should I let you back on the server When you spam hurtful messages to staff, of all people? What could you be saying to players if you say that to staff? Try to picture these actions from my point of view. You have twenty-four hours to reply to this post with a decent apology, and MAYBE I'll think about unbanning you.
Sorry is just an overused expression with little to no meaning to people like me anymore. You have another chance to WRITE me an apology note. As in: More than just "sorry."
im very inmature i was triying to show off in front my friends and i want do this again i was trying to be funny and i want do it again im soory for being very inmature ''soory''