Member Name EvanTheGreat Minecraft Username RazedGaming Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? I had copied something that I was supposed to tell someone on the server, and it just so happens, I didn't copy it, and I still had a pornography link on my clipboard that I had previously visited. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I have worked a lot on AcePlaysInHD's skyblock island. I have devoted all of my time and effort, and almost donated for Elite rank. I really wish to come back on this amazing, fun server with my friends and those who play on it.
You linked a link in main chat to a porn site. Your brother then came on and said it wasn't even a real link, yet it still took you to the site. Your brother then went on about it and disrespected me along with ban evading after he got banned for disrespect and got your ip banned. Please answer the following questions truthfully and I might consider letting you back on as I do believe in giving second chances. 1. Why is linking porn on the server not allowed? 2. Do you really have brothers or was it you ban evading? 3. If you do have brothers, since your brother got the ip banned, what will stop him from coming on yet another alt if you and your ip are unbanned? 4. If it was you on all the accounts ban evading, please tell me why that is not allowed? @EvanTheGreat due to the nature of this, I will give you 48 hours to answer these questions, obviously depending on your answer to #2, you don't have to answer both 3 and 4.