Member Name EnderCanadian Minecraft Username Llama_cheese_man Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? He was banned from all servers. He was cursing because he was angry. He was warned, but he feels horrible about it now. Him and Endergirl105 (now BajanEnder) have made up. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? He feels horrible for what he did, and has apologized. He and I have made up now.
1. You DO NOT do ban appeals for others. 2. Llama will never be unbanned, every single day I caught him either spamming or disrespecting a player. I've had enough, and so have all the other staff. 3. He has had COUNTLESS bans, kicks, warns, mutes to stop.... And yet, never stopped. If you say that he was cursing because he was angry, that needs to be fixed. I don't believe that Llama has changed in the little time that the ban has been placed. Bajan, your ban is temp. STOP with the spamming and the abuse of /helpop. Do it again, you will not be unbanned. Denied.