Member Name Emiliano Minecraft Username emilianotheripr Which server were you banned on? SkyGrid Why were you banned from this server? i was banned o connectiong by bunny for absolutely nothing i was afk i came back and it said i was advertising Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i didnt do anything Dx
no i went to go to the bathroom and got a drink of juice (<-----funny) and i came back it said banned for advertising
Yes I did in the Main Chat they stated "Im leaving to play zombies at minedead server" and I have the screen shot I can upload when I get home, Please dont lie on appeals
Advertising in chat, private message, sign, pixelart and so on are not allowed. It's written in every server in AEM rules. No form of advertising of any sorts are allowed. Please answer the followings: Why is advertising not allowed? Promise you will not do it again, and not to break any server rule. You may not be given another chance if you get banned again, do you understand? Are you really sorry, please explain better on why you deserve another chance. You have 24hours to reply. @Emiliano
-number 1- i have no idea why but im gonna guess why to be honest i dont know but i think its not allowed because they dont want people leaving there server to go to another server -number 2- i promise i shall not advertise any server on aem network again -number3- yes i understand and totally agree -number 4- i am truly sorry i think i deserve another chance because i have already donated i love the server its my first server i have ever had in minecraft history and because i didnt know that saying im am gonna play a difrent server was not allowed