Member Name edgedevil Minecraft Username Edgdevil Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? got ina fight with a mod wo disrespected me. i aclled him and asshole and got permbanned Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? yes, i mean, its just the word asshole, and he had disrespected me.
it was not a mod, it was an admin, and you were the one showing serious disrespect, you will remain banned.
Member Name edgedevil Minecraft Username Edgedevil Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? I nsulted an admin ( told him/her ) he was a ass hole. the admin was pop_lina so dont let him her it answer my ban appeal. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? yes, the admin was bellitleing me and by such proving disrespect. he overreacted and had a abuse of power
I have told you once already that you are not welcome back on the server, you think it is your right to spread rumors on the server and when told by me that they are not true you call me an asshole, do you really think that this behavior is acceptable? and that you can get away with it?. believe me when i say that NO other member of staff will unban you after the way you have behaved and the blatant disrespect you showed in game and in your previous appeal. you are banned and you will stay that way as long as i am a member of staff.
I just want to throw something in here, WHO do you think you are. The world does NOT revolve around you. You were banned for a reason. I believe just last night you were causing me trouble. Also, telling us to not LET @Pop_lina reply to your ban appeal. HE has the most authority in unbanning you. You will NOT be unbanned as far as I am concerned, and just letting you know, Telling staff to not allow another staff to reply to a ban appeal dosent get you far. It just shows further disrespect towards @Pop_lina and proves that you haven't learned anything. Why would we unban you? What proves that you have learned your lesson? You haven't.