Ban Appeal from DucksOnQwuak

Discussion in 'Accepted Ban Appeals' started by DucksOnQwuak, Jun 24, 2014.

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  1. DucksOnQwuak

    Jun 20, 2014
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    Member Name DucksOnQwuak

    Minecraft Username DucksOnQwuak

    Which server were you banned on? Factions

    Why were you banned from this server? X-raying a players base to figure out how many layers of obsidian I needed to raid.

    Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I believe I deserve another chance on the server for a multiple reasons but, I am not going to sugar coat this appeal and only show reason's to keep me or not. Here is a list of Pro's and Con's that I feel apply to me, to help you decide whether I am worth keeping.
    Pro #1- I have donated before and plan on donating in the future when spare money comes my way.(I am not the wealthiest person out there but 15$'s a month could be the difference from the server being running or not)
    Pro #2- I help a lot of new players to AEM get started by giving them teleports to secluded coordinates so they can create their safe base, starting them off with low level enchanted diamond tools, and teaching them the commands and gameplay of factions.
    Pro #3- I have a circle of friends (6 friends) who look at me as the "TechNerd" and for the most part will play on any server I play on. So it is safe to say I am a 1+6 player base addition to the server.

    Here are the Con's:

    Con #1- Since I have been caught x-raying a players base, my reputation and trust has completely gone out the window, so therefore you might look at me as a ex-convict

    Con #2- If for some reason this appeal does not get passed, I am not going to moan and groan about it and submit more appeals. I will simply find another server to invest my time and money into.

    I hope this list of Pro's and Con's help you decide whether I am worth keeping, the power is in your hands, not mine. I can only help persuade you on your decision. Please choose wisely.
  2. DucksOnQwuak

    Jun 20, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Sorry for the double post. I felt the first one was unorganized and hard to read. So I submitted a new appeal to fix that but did not know how to delete the other. If you were to choose one to read, please read the appeal I am commenting on.
  3. Christy

    Apr 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    I understand what you are trying to do with this appeal by trying to prove your value as a player. However, that is not really what a ban appeal is about. Players who are valuable to the community and donate tons get banned all the time. I'm going to make you a short list below of what you should do so we can evaluate your ban appeal properly. You have 24 hours to respond to this.

    1) Explain why you were using x-ray instead of following the rules
    2) Explain why we should trust you given that you have now been banned off of 2 servers on our network
    3) Explain what you have learned from this lesson
    4) Explain in your own words why using cheats is bad
  4. DucksOnQwuak

    Jun 20, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    1). I normally play with my shader mod but when it came to raiding a very large base, I was very lazy and wanted to know how much TNT I would have needed in order to raid this base. I did it out of pure laziness, instead of going through "trial and error" if that's the right metaphor for what I am trying to say.

    2). I believe you should trust me because I've invested ALOT of time into this factions server and because I feel really sad that I cannot play on this great factions server. And if I didn't care as much as I DO care about joining AEM again, I wouldn't be putting as much thought and time into this appeal as I am trying to do now.

    3). Aside from the obvious that hacks are against the rules, I have learned that even if you have two roads, the easy road (X-raying that's against the rules which can result in punishment) or the harder road (legitimate playing without the use of hacks) both gets you to the same place as long as you stay committed and invest the extra time/effort.

    4). Cheating and using hacks to improve self gameplay is bad because, even though one player benefits from it, there are 10 others who are at a detriment by the usage.
  5. Christy

    Apr 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Okay, you should have a decision within the next 24 hours.
  6. Christy

    Apr 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    This appeal has been accepted by factions staff. You are now unbanned.
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