Member Name drybowser Minecraft Username blakemario64 Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? Disrespect of staff Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Situation: At the time a person was talking about bleach in chat and I joined the conversation. We weren't spamming, but I was still muted while the other player who was doing the EXACT same thing a lot longer than me was spared. I stated this and my opinion of him abusing his power and choosing who he likes to the staff member that muted me but he didn't listen at all. Instead he banned me right at that moment. I might've included the word "idiot" in my opinion but I wasn't trash talking him. He banned me because I questioned his mistake in this situation. I am a active player in the server and voter and think I should be unbanned because I support this server and was banned under unfair conditions in which the staff member banned me under his opinion and not by following server conduct codes.