Member Name Drew Minecraft Username zetterdrew40 Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? I was banned for spamming and promoting another server. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? This is my second ban appeal and I love this server and I will not spam or promote another server again
Hello @Drew Please explain why you were spamming another server name despite our "No advertising/mentioning of another server" rule. Not in main chat, private message, signs and so on. Explain why it is not allowed and promise to follow the rules from now on. Please respond within 24 hours.
I was spamming for fun with my friend and he only got banned for 10 hours and I was banned forever which I don't feel is fair but I understand the rules now and will not spam again
@Drew I apologize for my late response, You have been kicked and warned for spamming thus the perm ban. There are reasons behind our actions. I will accept this appeal. Promise not to break anymore rules again.