Member Name DrachenFireHD Minecraft Username DrachenFireHD Which server were you banned on? Minigames Why were you banned from this server? Banned from all, a non appropriate forum post. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I've thought about my actions and will learn to keep the forums appropriate how they should be. I know I was very disrespectful/ignorant in that forum post to judge AEM staff the way I did. It wasn't the smartest thing I have ever done either, at first it was supposed to come out as a GoodBye AEM thing but It kinda turned the direction into being disrespectful. I didn't read over it until I posted it and by that time it was already taken down and I was banned. I will steer myself in the right direction from now on, as well as others too. But I have thought clearly about what I've done and won't do it again, I don't know what was going through my mind at the time, but I know it was wrong.
Hello there @DrachenFireHD , Please know that Staff also have their hard times, it's not that easy being one. Players think it's all fun and games but no, we give in a lot of dedication, we may not even have time for ourselves at all. We see over hundreds of players daily, dealing with all kinds all the time, we can't rest. Then there are those who abuse powers, it isn't easy on our part.. while these issues are being sorted out among ourselves, a player comes on, say staff are all abusive, who ban with no proof. That all the "new" staff are bad and shouldn't be staff. But think, do non staff know what staff are being put through in game? Not to mention we also have our own lives to deal with. Being staff is voluntary. So a player decides to make a forum post, disrespecting staff, saying they do not do their work, adding onto our work. Is there nothing we can do to please you guys? We do what you say, players complain. We don't do what you say, players complain. I just hope you realize how hard it is for us as well and hopefully learn to appreciate us. I know you're aware that you have 3 old bans on you and this current which makes 4. Please take note that if you do anything to get banned again, you may not be given another chance, so if you do get unbanned, please cherish that and make sure to follow all the rules. Do you understand? Explain why disrespecting is not allowed. Will you improve your attitude? Are you sorry?
I know what you are coming by Rinne, I undertsand that I have judged you guys wrong... I know that disrespect isn't nice, I'm seriously surprised you even decided to respond and give me a another chance that I may or may not burn off. I will try my best if I get unbanned, Disrespect is just basicly going against other peoples hard work that they do their best at... I have no right to speak for you guys and or other players, I'm just one of those people that gives you guys a pain to deal with... My attitude will change, it doesn't mean I won't rage or anything. But I make it better and wants again be a part of the growing community. I'm sincerely sorry for what I have done, As I said in the last other bans but it never changed but this time It will change. Not to mention I was nervous to even post another appeal for you guys to look at. I'm truly sorry for what I've done and it won't happen again. @zRinne
Okay @DrachenFireHD , this is what I will do. If any staff sees you saying things or doing something that deserves a ban, you will not be given another chance no matter what you say after and it will be a global ban, not just on a server. If you understand that then I will accept this appeal.