Member Name DogGuy Minecraft Username dogguy1004 Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? i was banned because i was block glitching and a mod thought i was flying Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i think i deserve another chance because i never hacked i was just block glitching and i've donated to this server
~~~~~STAFF REFERENCE~~~~~~ - REJECTED - REJECTED due to lack of response. - REJECTED due to lack of response. - REJECTED due to lack of response. - REJECTED due to lack of response. - REJECTED due to lack of response. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @DogGuy It would seem you don't really like responding to us in a set time frame. Given these many chances to show your files and respond to us, I'm almost wanting to just reject this and be done with it. Please take a screenshot of your .minecraft + mod + ver (Do not crop, show last modification date) Upload your images to >CLICKHERE< Then link it back here. Explain why is hacking not allowed. You have 24 hours to respond. This will be your final attempt at a ban appeal. If this is not met we will not look into any more appeals by you.
i have 2 proplems i don't know how to take screen shots and i don't know what that stuff is. i'm 11 and i'm not the best with computers
Here's how we'll run though this. Click this link here: It will tell you how to get to your .minecraft folder Right click in the folder anywhere and go to Views -> Details If the top bar does NOT have "Date Modified" right click where all the rest of the information is and click it Stay on that folder and hit the button that says "PrtScn" Go to this link here: Hit "Upload" at the top Paste the image (hold ctrl and press V) Repeats the steps 2-6 until the other 2 folders, being the versions and mods if you have one After you get all them on the imgur site, click "Start Upload". It'll generate a link for you to share, please give us that link.
i'm trying to do this I do not understand what half this stuff is I know how to get to my minecraft folder on my mac but when I get to it I try and find step 2 and it isn't there