Member Name DogGuy Minecraft Username dogguy1004 Which server were you banned on? Minigames Why were you banned from this server? it says i was hacking i wasn't, ask anyone of my friends i wasn't. i was block glitching. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i was never hacking and i donated so if i am going to stay banned i would like my money back
Hey there @DogGuy , Any staff, owners, hosts, advertisers, officers, directors, employees, partners, and all other parties related to this servers staff reserve the right, with the appropriate permissions, to forcibly make you leave the server, permanently or temporarily, with no chance of refund – however this will never be unwarranted, this will only happen in the case of extreme rule-breaking. If you obey the rules, you will never be banned, plain and simple. By donating to AEMNetwork you are not entitled to any Physical or virtual good, a donation is a donation and not a purchase. As defined a donation is an act or instance of presenting something as a gift, grant, or a contribution with no expectation of anything in return. Anything received will be as is and no warranty or guarantee it will always be available. All terms and conditions are in effect indefinitely as soon as the contract is accepted, and will remain to be active even after you quit, are banished, removed, or if you leave the server/forum in any way. Refund Policy: All sales are final, you may not buyback, stop, credit the server by any means necessary in order to receive your funds back that of which have been paid. And in doing so we reserve the right to disallow your continued play on the server/forums and not allow further funds to be added or taken away. We reserve the right to pursue any legal or collection action necessary to recover damages in the event of a forced charge-back. Note you will also be banned from buycraft, meaning you will not be able to donate to any minecraft server, not just AEM. - Please take a screenshot of your .minecraft + mod + ver (Do not crop, show last modification date) Upload your images to >CLICKHERE< Then link it back here. Explain why is hacking not allowed. You have 24 hours to respond.
it is not allowed because it has a advantage over over players it it makes the game no fun when you hack or cheat
i will admit i just downloaded X-ray today but my friends were telling me too for factions on another server i really didn't want to and i didn't i turned off mine craft and turned off X-ray i never used it i and will never use it