Member Name DIRTlennart Minecraft Username DIRTlennart Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? I paid for nicknames and was immediately banned for being named iHavSexWithDog, and my friends name was "dog". So we were joking around in games where he would go like 'aw shit". Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because I god damn paid for it and I don't think my nickname was all THAT offensive, there were no dogs playing. And a immediate ban is kind of mean.
Your nick was inappropriate, it may not be that "offensive" but that doesn't apply to the other players present. There are kids here as well and I want you to remember that. Keep everything pg13. You were also warned multiple times by @Volkrot. I was present at that time and witnessed it happening. So please explain Also please answer the followings in 24hours: Why you can have inappropriate /nick Promise to follow all AEM server rules. Understand you may not be given another chance if banned again. You do not seem sorry for your actions, please explain again on Why you deserve another chance. @DIRTlennart . Note: You're also banned in survival for breaking a rule there. (Grief) So this is your second offense.
First of all now that I know you can get banned this easily I definately am sorry. And my nickname wasn't all that bad, my minecraft name could have been that too, and there isn't really a rulebook for the server so how am I supposed to know what I can and can't do? It was just a practical joke, my friend nicknamed himself "dog" and we'd join matches and goof around. And I would love to follow the rules if you'll please tell me them : ). BTW I was only warned once, and that was because my nickname was something with the word 'admin" in it. The other nicks were my friend whose name I prefer not to tell to save his ass (and the money he paid for VIP) , but I ensure you he won't do it again either.
Wait WHAT? I never even played survival? How the hell am I banned there? All I play is factions pvp and skywars? I only went on survival once to hand out the stuff I got from all of my votes?
Follow any directions given to you by staff, also add a bit of common sense, spare a thought for the younger players. In the other server, you can do /rules
Someone reported a grief, we checked it and your name was there. Not replanting someones farm is also considered grief. I'll accept both appeals if you can answer why Grief isn't allowed. And possible, how to secure your account so that no one else can use your account to Grief, hack etc as whatever happens in your account, though you may not be the person using it at the moment, is all your responsibility.
Oh I understand it's an asshole move. But I thought it was completely legal to loot, like in factions pvp. I saw that some land was protected and some land wasnt so I thought it was legal to loot stuff from unprotected people. Please excuse me for this, i thought this was completely legal. And I don't know how to secure my account, however, I can tell you I have no Idea how to hack and really really hate hackers. Again, sorry for the misunderstanding, I really thought looting was allowed.
It's okay, please do /rules and read it up, I will accept this. Please make sure it doesn't happen again. Welcome back to survival and skywars.