Member Name Devon Minecraft Username TheCole3 Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? asking to much Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? BeCause i will inprove my behavior and stuff
@Devon so to understanding. You kept harassing staff to ban you, not just on one server, but multiple servers, including team speak. You are still doing this as well to my knowledge also on team speak. First of all do you realise how annoying it is for staff to get spammed by a player asking to be banned? Second, if you keep this same thing up on team speak and continue to do so I personally won't have a problem keeping you global banned. We do not get paid to do this job and we do not need/want a player making our job harder such as you are and were doing. You global ban will be as long as @Meg1626 sees fit. Is this understood?
@Devon As I said in my response to your PM, I am rejecting this appeal and I want you to wait at least a week before you file another ban appeal.