Member Name devinkoz Minecraft Username devinkoz Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? Never warned at all, called Evanyoshis skin a green lard chunk ( ) and got banned. Not sure if it's a joke or what... but yea. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I deserve another chance because I only called a player's skin a green lard chunk twice. I wont call peoples skins green lard chunks ever again. Plus I never got warned and it was an unfair ban.
This is cyber bullying, so this ban will tell you this is not a joke. If you continue doing this on factions or any other servers, you'll be gone from AEM. The whole thing about Evan getting called fat had been going on for very long and I've already received countless reports on this. If you still don't realise the seriousness of this then I see no point in unbanning you from the server and would even consider switching it to a global ban instead if you still think its funny to bully people on the server. @devinkoz
But where did I call HIM fat. I called his in-game minecraft skin a "green lard chunk". He is yoshi! A green monster! The rules never stated that making fun of players minecraft skins is bannable. I called him fat jokingly along time ago and I was warned. So I stopped doing it ALONG TIME AGO. Then other people placed signs and stuff. I was not involved in that at all. I wasn't even on when they raided him. I now know that making fun of peoples skins is against the rules and I wont do it again.
Let me ask you a simple question, do you not know what cyber bullying is? And don't tell me the bullshit about not calling him fat when you called him a green lard, and kept telling him green lard jump green lard jump. You, cade and gmoney knows best of what you actually meant when you 3 said those stuffs making fun of him.
Do you think he's green in real life. I was obviously referring to his skin. And if he is butthurt about his skin being called a green lard, then he can go play survival or something else where everyone's nice. I honestly don't think calling peoples IN-GAME MINECRAFT SKIN a green lard is cyber bullying. If I did this to another player they wouldn't give a damn. They would say something back like, "no you don't jump you black lard chunk xD" (my skin is black). But since it is evanyoshi... he doesn't do a thing but report. I was not even warned, it was warning CadeBoss425 and Gmoney. But since I made fun of his minecraft skin, it's a direct ban.
Yeah I get it that language is allowed on pvp servers, but like I said, personal attacks and bullying a certain player is strictly not allowed and actions would be taken. I understand that you guys don't like him but please do not go overboard with the insults, otherwise it will be considered as cyberbullying. I will consider this appeal if you give me your word that this won't be repeated again, you can bully him all you want in game, kos him, kill him whenever you see him or do whatever you want, just dont go overboard with the choice of words. I didn't ban you because I'm siding him or staff abusing powers or whatsoever, if someone did the same to you, I would ban that person too, no matter who he is. We staffs are here to protect every player, hope you understand. @devinkoz Let this serve as your warning and reminder that even though foul language is allowed on pvp servers, there are times when you don't go overboard and carried away because that will turn into cyber bullying instead of just trash talk.
Ok. I am sorry. I will never call a player or refer to him as anything overboard. I'm sorry, and this won't happen again.