Member Name DevilSpawn77 Minecraft Username devilspawn77 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? Because 1 Person (im guessing a friend of the mod) said im hacking, that 1 person said im hacking and 10 sec later the mod bans me, just extra info the mod resigns a few days later for watever reason and this happened a long time ago more than 4-5 months i believe Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? because i wasnt hacking and because that 1 person was the only person ever to say i was hacking. it isnt fair for a person to be banned because of 1 person saying another person hacks, that is why i think i deserve another chance on this server
the mod wasnt meg, i put a ban appeal before and it was accepted, i was unbanned by meg i played for 2 hours later that day of being unbanned and 3 days later when i went to check back i was banned again i have no idea why because i didnt even actually play i just chatted with the people on there.
I don't think @Meg1626 has ever been kitpvp staff, but as staff we have global permissions, allowing us to ban/kick on all servers. She moved your ban to a kitpvp ban it seems instead of a global ban, @Meg1626
Tbh I don't remember any of this. I probably fixed it from when we switched ban systems but know nothing else. I was gonna let KitPvP staff handle it like any other appeal. Sorry I can't be of more help.
so im not getting unbanned from kit, and i got banned from kit for doing nothing, correct? if so than the ban systen is rigged 100% obv the mod that banned me didnt kno wat he was doing and when he resigned alex just switched my ban from kit to all because for watever reason and maybe log was deleted because he resigned but i just dont think its fair
Logs won't be deleted, I think you misunderstood what she meant, we had to change the ban system thus she unbanned you on [Global] and rebanned you on the server you were supposed to be banned on [Kitpvp]. Please take a screenshot of your .minecraft + mod + ver (Do not crop, show last modification date) Upload your images to >CLICKHERE< Then link it back here. Explain why is hacking not allowed. Please respond within 24 hours.
wat if i do have a hacked client now? it doesnt matter does it, i dont play on the server anymore and i reinstalled my pc because of lag problems, my whole entire .minecraft is pretty much a brand new thing and as u saw the ban was from very long ago so how does my .minecraft now matter to me hacking or not? and i did understand meg and i made a ban appeal on kitpvp not on globalban so why r we tlking bout the globalban? and how doesnt the log say i got banned by the mod that quit and banned me why does it say alex and ban on global, cuz i remember 100% i got banned on kit and went strait to skyblock to tell my frnds that i got banned from kit for no reason, so explain please.
So as I said, we had to change the ban system so all old bans would be switched over and ended up globally ban, you weren't globally banned to begin with thus she unbanned you on global and switched it to the server you we're supposed to be banned on. If you wish to come back on AEM, you'll have to delete your hacks. I will reply what I miss out when I get back home.
"Please take a screenshot of your .minecraft + mod + ver (Do not crop, show last modification date) Upload your images to >CLICKHERE< Then link it back here." What are you using, Windows or mac?
Hello @DevilSpawn77 . @zRinne asked me to help out with this ban appeal. Please explain this Are you saying that you did/now have hacks?
I asked if you did/now have hacks and you said "seing it from all prespectives" (2 words not spelled correctly). That makes no sense. The actual sentence makes no sense. Also, now that you decided to go off on me and be incredibly disrespectful, I am denying this appeal. You can make a new one in 2 weeks (5-1-15). All appeals made before then will be denied.