Member Name Derpypikachu1 Minecraft Username Derpypikachu1 Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? Impersonating AlexM850 Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Well everyone deserves a 2nd chance and I never had a warning so I never knew sorry.
You do know that impersonating staffs/owners is a very serious offence on AEM right? Yes you're right, everyone deserves a 2nd chance for their mistakes, but they earn it, and not sitting around thinking the chance would just fall from the sky. I will consider this appeal if you tell me what you did wrong and promise you will never do it again. On top of that, this is a ban appeal and not a social post, so don't joke around with emoticons, that just shows us your insincerity. You have 24h. @Derpypikachu1
I will accept this ban appeal, I hope you keep your promise. The next repeated offence will bear severe consequences. Unbanning you now, welcome back.