Member Name Dermerk Minecraft Username Dermerk Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? I was banned from this server because of an extreme grief of my former town. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I know staff members have heard this excuse many times, but I have a brother that holds a grudge against me (perhaps I tease him too much). He somehow managed to get a hold of my laptop and wrecked havoc to my town. Many players on the server know me or have known me well (Artemis was one of them) and will say that I would never do such a thing. I built this town with my friends and I would cry if I were to see it destroyed. I know you have heard this excuse many times, but this time, I'm actually saying this truthfully. Please let me back onto survival on AEM Network; it is my favorite server and will most likely always be my favorite.
Your brother, if that is who it was, was quite proud of his destruction and was gloating about it. Your account is your responsibility. I'm quite hesitant to accept this appeal. If I was to allow you to return and this happened again, many people would be upset including myself. What steps would you take to secure your account and be positive that this would not be able to occur again? The moderator who banned you put "no appeal" in your ban info so I'm not sure I should even be considering allowing you to return.
@Dermerk your profile status says "I'm temporary leaving AEM." so im not quite convinced it was your brother doing this. also please reply to jerekuls questions.
@Jerekul What most likely happened was that my brother went into my room and got a hold of my computer. I don't bother to log out since I've never had this happen before. I plan to do so, and I can lock my room so that my brother has no access. I would be disappointed myself if this incident was to occur again as it would display my lack of responsibility after this event.
@Gluupor My profile read that I was leaving because I am in my freshman year in HS, so I wasn't sure that I would have enough time to come on AEM. After the first month, I figured that I had enough time, but never acutally bothered to change my status or log into AEM. Unfortunately, my brother was able to get on my laptop and destroy my town.
Denied because I don't believe you. Your account was responsible for this and I'm not taking a risk of it happening again. Also, unrelated to my decision, I was told you don't even have a brother.