Member Name darin panday Minecraft Username SF_NINJA Which server were you banned on? SkyGrid Why were you banned from this server? I was banned for admitting to an AFK machine Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think i should have another chance because i did not use an AFK machine, when i said "I got all this iron from being afk for like 4 hours" i guess that people misunderstood what i meant because during that 4 hours i had was being kicked so i kept rejoining and when i wasnt being kicked i was moving every couple of min.
Please do not lie. When I asked " How did you afk for 4 hours " You replied saying no admins were online to kick you out. Implying you weren't kicked out to the hub from idling more than 15min. Could you please explain this?
I afk for 4 hours by being kicked and rejoining or i moved or jumped every couple of min and if you do unban me i can give you a tour of all of my homes and show you that every single one of them doesnt have a way that i could count as an afk machine. and when i said there were no admins to kick me usually when im afk for a while and i dont respond to anyone i usually get kicked by admins or mods.
Are you sure about that? was what I said, then after you replied me saying no admins were online to kick you. When I mentioned there was a auto kick system that kicks you for idling over 15min, you said you didn't know why you weren't kicked out. Could you explain that? @darin panday
I was being kicked for idling and i kept rejoining and when i said there were no admins to kick me most of the time when i used to play on skygrid the admins/mods would kick me or atleast i thought because when i get kicked from the auto kick it sends me to the hub but sometimes it would completely kick me from the server.
Alright I will accept this appeal if you promise that you will not use any AFK machine or anything that will bypass the kick system. Also no rule breaking, understood? You need to be clear in your explanation next time round, got it?
Okay i promise THANK YOU SO MUCH! im sorry if i sound like i am mad i just really want to get back on skygrid since i donated a lot of money
Member Name darin panday Minecraft Username SF_NINJA Which server were you banned on? SkyGrid Why were you banned from this server? I was banned for admitting to an AFK machine Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think i should hae another chance because i have proof that @zRinne accepted my ban appeal. If you want to see it you will have to go to my last ban appeal i would put a link but for some reason i cant copy and paste it. Thank you for your time.
I understand that, but staff have lives outside of MC and it takes time to decide on appeals. Please be patient. @zRinne
I was asleep, I can't unban when I'm not awake ;-; Please be patient next time. You've been unbanned. Welcome back.