Member Name dallum Minecraft Username dallum Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? for *hacking.* I wasnt hacking. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I was fighting Light VIper (who is a Helper apparently). He/she LOST a battle in MY faction territory. he/she accuses me of "hacking". I wasn't. I had good armor and we have a strong faction. It's called Illuminati (faction). She was the agressor, raiding my base. I killed her off successfully and she subsequently banned me and had Geeves ban me, and for what? It's not right. It's not fair. Please fix. I was having fun.
@dallum This ban wasn't because of someone raging, which btw it's best to not insult any staff when appealing. I watched you flying around and then as you were being hit, you were not taking damage. Care to explain why you were not taking damage in pvp areas?
??? I understand why you are concerned about people abusing the faction pvp server. I do. I have no problem with the helpers, mods, or anyone involved with the banning/ ban appeal process. I think its great, it makes for a well-regulated server. Your concerns: Yes I suppose it was a pvp area but it was an area which was claimed land for my faction. Yes, I saw my health regenerating pretty efficiently and believe me I was pleasantly surprised. I had a full hunger bar. No hack there. Flying? I wasnt flying but I think she must have had a knockback sword or something. I was fighting near/in a stream of water because she was using fire and I was trying to eliminate the burn. Yes i was up in the air but that was because i was backing into water as i as fighting. No hack there. I was wearing a suit of Lucky diamond armor. I was using a lucky sword too. My defense was through the roof, Protection IV plus defense bonus for being in my own faction territory as I was defending my base from an attacker. No hack there. I am new to factions, but I know that my faction power/strenght is up there, since we have a lot of members in my fac. Please tell me where you see the hack and I will be happy to remain on Survival for the rest of my AEM days. But I love this server and I would like to continue playing factions rather than start over on another server. AEM is my favorite server and I was thinking of donating. Let me know. Respectfully, dallum.
This helper had a gauge that showed you taking no damage, not regening really quickly. Can you explain this?
I don't have anything else to offer other than to just affirm that I wasn't hacking. It must have been a glitch. I honestly don't know what to say because I'm new to faction. I saw that I wasn't getting hurt due to her efforts to kill me and I just assumed it was in my own territory. Maybe you can explain to me what happened because that's all I know. If it helps, I did take considerable damage while i was underwater due to drowning, and I had to run out of the water to regen my health back up. I also ate food during the battle to get my food bar up. I was able to take damage, just not from her sword. I only took a half a heart damage at a time and watched as it regen each time. I honestly have nothing more to say on the matter. It's your call. You have all the evidence, not me. Please review it and make a decision either way, promptly, so I can move on with my life lol. Thank you. Have a good night. Msg me with your final decision.
Okay, from what I'm hearing, it still sounds really suspicious to me from what I'm hearing. It's hard to tell that you indeed weren't. Please provide me a screenshot of your clients for minecraft or of your mods folder in your minecraft folder. By the way, this helper isn't a she.
What's the best way to find the mod folder? I found the minecraft exec file, i'm searching my comp for the mods folder. ugh. windows 8 sux.
View attachment 575 View attachment 577 does this help? is this what you meant by client? sorry I am searching for the mods folder right now.
Click "Edit Profile" and when you have the list of version, screen those, all of them. I have Window's 8 too. Here's what you can do: C:\Users\compusernamehere\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft
No... For your versions I need you to click the drop down menu, and the list. For the folder I need the mods folder.
View attachment 583 View attachment 584 View attachment 585 View attachment 586 here is the complete dropdown version list. OK now lemme find that mod folder for you. 1 sec.
im looking manually in .mincraft, for the mods folder and i cant seem to find one. do u have a folder path handy? thanks/ imma keep lookin.