Member Name Cuthy69 Minecraft Username Cuthy69 Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? Staff disrespect Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Why do you guys look for reasons to ban people? i said my point. you guys dont think smart when you ban long time players who have dedicated their time to a server for a silly reason like that.
we do not look for reasons to ban people. usually its the player giving us the reason to ban him or her. your history shows you had multiple warnings by different staff members for staff disrespect those being @zRinne @BomberDude96 @Pip Xanadu and some others that sadly resigned already those being @fats and @Volkrot meaning you were already give a 2nd and 3rd chance to change your attitude. since you obviously ignored these warnings and kept on being disrespectful you eventually got globally banned. we do hand out second chances, we do try to talk to ppl, we try to find reasons to NOT right away ban you, banning is only the last resort. hoping you do understand my or even staffs point of view on this topic, please do explain to me why disrespecting people (not necessarily just staff) is not always a good thing to do (theres exceptions i know that, like racists, sexists or other people of that kind that probably dont deserve any kind of respect). on the long time player part: to be honest being a long time player as you claim you should know the rules / should know better please reply in a timely manner so we can sort you out as soon as possible
That Factions rule does NOT apply here or on other game modes. Also calling out a staff in particular to "why factions is dying" in a way. That is disrespectful. You said "this is what happens when you have staff like @Evanyoshi in charge" pretty much calling him out saying he's the blame and a bad staff member when in fact he's been busting his ass trying to get factions on par as practically the only very active factions staff.
Thanks for your comments and pip I didn't say anything about that. But I think I'll wait for your boss Alex to decide what happens next because you guys have already said in the past I should be banned for good... @AlexM850
@Cuthy69 I think that you have had enough chances. And @Pip Xanadu was lying? Really? . WELP, now that you lied about that too...