Member Name CT05 Minecraft Username CT05 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? annoying staff Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I relly love the server I spent money on it. I just was very mad that day. im nice to players i love my frenids on the server. the staff is nice i don't now y i was annoying them. ther nice people. i think that people should have 2 changes in life. so im asking please let me back..
@CT05 It looks like you've been banned for some time so I'm willing to consider unbanning you. However, I'd like you for you to answer/explain the following items within the next 24 hours. 1) What were you doing to be "annoying"? Your ban says disrespectful and annoying but I'd like for you to explain it in detail 2) Why is it important to be respectful to staff? 3) What have you learned from this?