Member Name Creepermeeper123 Minecraft Username creepermeeper123 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? For Quote on Quote Killaura... Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because i was lagging sacks and He:She Tped To Me And I Hit KIalno Because Kialno Was Inside Of Me From Prevously Tping.... There Where Atleast 500 Creepers A I Had 2FPS...I Was Swinging Like Crazy And Killed KIalno....And I Would Never Think Of Hacking On A Server I spent 75$ On. And Kialno Told Me To Post A Link I Was And Bam He:She Banned me..
Thank you for sending in an appeal but you missed something, When I teleported to you I was in vanish, I went behind you and watched for a good few minutes that was when I suspected Kill Aura and then I turned off Vanish (Behind you not in you) and then you struck and killed me instantly while facing away from me. That is no LAG there buddy and when I asked for screenshots even though it wasn't necessary then you procrastinated over 10 minutes so take this as a warning that using Hacked clients is against the rules. I don't want to see you breaking any more rules. This offence will result in a 3 day temp ban and a warning that if you use a hacked client you will most likely be Perm Global banned from AEM.