Member Name creeova Minecraft Username vlix547 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? Because a mod was told i was being disrespectful, which i wasn't, i told the mod that i didn't say anything mean. but of course she didn't believe me, because i'm the bad one right? but she didn't know that i didn't do anything. and this guy was saying to the mod that i was being rude and disrespectful and what not. but i don't like mods like that. that wasn't right what she did. just banned me like that. so rude of her. and Alex you know the mod. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? yes, of course since I DID NOT do anything. i was just assumed that i was. like i can randomly start talking to a mod, and tell them anything bad about someone, and they'll believe me.. and just ban that person without hearing their story, which isn't right.
Since you're so dead set on saying you're the innocent party, would you please explain these 2 screenshots I've received? I already warned you and kicked you and you still lied to me. Do explain since I am the one who is apparently wrong here.